Owner Bryan Pitcairn has been in the fitness industry for nearly 10 years, and focuses on scaling and pacing with beginner athletes. He’s a dedicated dad who enjoys raising his daughter, Maddy and son, Max. “I love that they get to come to the gym and do exercises with me,” he says. “In terms of our fantastic members, I love seeing their excitement when they work hard to hit a personal record (PR). I love it when people actually use CrossFit to completely change their lives and how they view what it means to be fit and happy.”
Bryan earned 10 Varsity letters in four different sports in high school. In college, he got into recreational running and ran six full marathons. “The summer of my sophomore year, I biked for Habitat for Humanity 4,000 miles from Jacksonville, FL to San Francisco, California,” he says. “I compete in obstacle course races and have completed the World’s Toughest Mudder in Las Vegas.” Currently, he enjoys competing in local CrossFit competitions.
“When I got married and moved to Philadelphia my wife and I decided to open our own box in Huntingdon Valley. We wanted the pride that comes with owning a small business and we knew that we would be willing to work hard at it.”